I'm going to ask this as nicely as possible. I was invited here and promised to behave myself so what I have to ask is strictly a matter of curiosity and not a slam in any way. But I do wonder, what is it that makes one not see the cost of as low as $100 not a worth it solution for a GPS? Is it that you don't tour much on your touring bike? Is it that you have a photographic memory to remember the streets/turns after having to stop to look at your many many maps? Is it that you never enter or want to enter off the beaten path roads and return to the starting point without the hassle of having to stop to pull out a map? Is it that you don't have to be at a certain location to make your next planned day ride possible? I'm just curious. I have been touring the great USA from border to border and beyond, and coast to coast longer than some are years old, and I just wonder if it's that you never had a GPS or that you have rejected the new fangled idea of technology. I know for me it's hard to give up the old way. Shoot, I went for years thinking that my recurve bow was accurate enough. Until I had a match with a very less experienced guy with a compound bow and sights. I ate some crow that day and bought the state of the art compound bow with sights and trigger release LOL.
You see, I am old school. I didn't even appreciate going from kick start to electric start for years. I even considered just crossing the USA on a pogo stick just because I knew I could do it and none have tried it that I know of. I knew probably the very last guy on the planet who still had a rotary dial telephone. But I ask in all sincerity, what do you find for a hundred dollars that can make touring more easy and not having to have a tourpak full of outdated inaccurate paper maps? I'm with you as far as resisting change. But if you do leave the well known roads around where you live, I just think you need to try a GPS then come back and say you make out just fine without one and I'll tell you that I'm just as comfortable on my pogo stick as what you are riding.