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Greatest American export!!

"T" is one of the nicest guys and I would not take any thing he said as an insult.

Besides he's still driving on the wrong side of the road.:D

....certainly no insult meant glider, as you suggest correctly! :hii All in good fun!! :bigsmiley12:
Grew up on Neil Young, Led Zeppelin, The Who, Ted Nugent and the Amboy Dukes, etc. My favorites are Old Man and Cinnaman Girl. I didn't know he was touring.
Well, saw Leoanard Cohen last night and we really enjoyed his show. Surprisingly, a very funny man when he chatted to the audience. One line he had, was he was concerned and worried about the fact, that there was a wee bit of cheerfulness creeping into his life. He also said, this was his first tour in fifteen years, from back when he was a wild and crazy kid of sixty. What really cracked the audience up though, was between his four encores, he "skipped" on and off stage like a five year old, not a seventy five year old.
It was a great show all round!

Ok, next month, The Who!! :breakdance