First Sporty, Let's all remember what HOG is. Most all HD Dealers will have a HOG chapter, as HOG is a "dealership" MOCO related GROUP. There are only a meger handfull of independently blessed by the MOCO, Via pope willie, out of dealership HOG chapters. I ride with a MC, so all of us know how to ride with 20 to 40 bikes on the highway doing 65 to 75+ mph, all of the time, and we can all also stay in the clutch/brake zone within a group of riders doing from 0 to 35- mph on city streets. Pros and cons, for as long as you say you've been riding, you'er one up on most of these HOG chapter riders. You should be able to recognize those in a HOG chapter group, that can do what I've said above, in the chapter, and can judge whether or not their road captain knows who they are also. Occasional group riding, is the most dangerous cruise/tour riding, that you can do. Normally, If one bike goes down, others are sure to follow, and very quickly. It has to be done right, and everybody needs to be "heads up" all of the time, when you do. Go out and ride with several area HOG chapters just behind the group, before you join one. You're going to find out also, that some HOG chapter group members, just like MC members, do not play well with others, hopefully you'll find out about those members "before" you pay to join the chapter. You see, in a MC, we can observe and see if the person can ride and fit in, before we let them join in the main group of riders. We help them along, and bring them to a feel for it, at their own pace, with a slowpoke puut down the road member, just behind the main group. That's where they're are going to learn about group riding, from behind it, because they can see all of the group and how they ride down the road. In addition, don't forget that if you have a current Nat. HOG card, pay the chapter dues at a chapter meeting, your pretty well in the chapter as a member. Well Sporty, a HOG group is NOT a MC! Even though some of the members in the chapter think that it is, and that they are in a MC. Some like to play at being bikers on the weekends, and at the chapter meeting, herin is going to lay the problem with HOG chapter group riding that you will face. The sheer lack of experience in the knowledge and participation in group motorcycling. Most just ride their scoots on the weekends, and only in good weather. Most of them don't ride together all of the time either, but when they do, some of them like to think that they can ride that bike 24/7. Remember this, HOG, Like a MC, is an ongoing method of socializing, if you feel that you don't fit in, you probably won't. So don't get hurt trying to. You might want to try a riding group, or hang with a MC, on a few runs. And also, with any method of socializing, the group, club, or chapter is only as safe as their members choose to be!