Active Member
Well I took it back to the dealer and they dignosed it to the belt being to tight. They loosend it up a touch and the noise is gone.
This makes me happy that the issue is resloved, but, angry as well.
I ensured that the belt was in spec before I took it in. I used the manual procedure and the 10 lbs force tool, and set it at 7/16 deflection which is at the high end of the spec. Now the belt is at 5/8 which is loose according to spec, but no loud, annoying noise.
So next time I do my maintaince and have to tighten the belt what spec do I use? I think the MOCO has a problem with there spec. I have read this else where here on the fourm as well.
By the way, I talked to the tech at the dealer and asked him about the spec and he had no idea about the numbers. He just losened it some. He looked shocked when I questioned him on the numbers. Other than that the dealer was great.
This is nice to know, as I am having a similiar situation on my '07 EGC. I will have to double check that belt.....Thanks I do appreciate it!