Rolling Road Block
All I've ever rode and all I'll ever ride.
I agree! I can see now how dealers get MSRP+ for their Harley's. They are worth every penny!
All I've ever rode and all I'll ever ride.
Rice burners may be reliable but they are not the same product. The only bike that can look like a Harley, smell like a Harley and taste like a Harley, is a Harley.
I love mine. Looked at a Victory recently. Close up was real disappointing - not the same as a Harley.
I likey. Gotta remember that one:lolrolling:lolrollingThere's a guy I work with from time to time that I only tolerate out of professional courtesy... Long Story. Anyway, one day we were talking about riding and what-not. He barges in... "I just don't get the whole Harley thing." I looked at him and said, "We don't want you to..."
"We don't want you to..."
Funny that threads like this come up every now and then...
The bike you ride is like the tool you use for a certain job, use the wrong tool, and your project can get shot full of holes. Just "...don't bring a knife to a gun fight..." with respect to both the Kat vs Hog...when I am scratching in the canyons at 8/10's pace, I would rather do it on the Kat...but virtually everywhere else, bring me a double course of the Hog! :bigsmiley11: