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hard finding neutral

HEY MIXER ???? What part of BUBBIE did you use???

Just wondered?

I had a PEEVE today in MY thoughts...

WHY do some of our members EXPECT ONLY RIGHT ANSWERS?

IT is HARD ENOUGH to just RESPOND to some of the questions that are asked HERE by our other FINE MEMBERS.... I usually think I'm RIGHT and find i NEED a TUNE UP ever once and a while,,,, so I'm available to get answers to correct my SHORT FALLS.....

I usually POST my answers here on the forum and I should advice ALL to TAKE THEM as a GRAIN of SALT...



WHO ME? not MY fault!
Like the way u think Bubbie
No, I just copied and pasted Hoople & Cossak's posts, mixed in a little Bubbie then scrambled all the words and clicked post quick reply.

So now your a comedian. Others may think your funny, I dont. I joined this site to better understand HD MOTORCYLES. You sir work on motorocycles all day long, I dont and as such have dificulty understanding certain concepts. If that makes you feel superior to me so be it. I'm sure others may appreciate your extensive MOTORCYCLE knowlegde but I wont anymore.

Sorry you're taking things ways I don't mean them Dan, I'm here because I enjoy people, Harley's and learnning new things just like you, I feel superior to no one, I have to type with one finger and don't even know how to spell and I have not worked on a motorcycle for a living in five years myself, as far as being a comedian, well I do like to laugh at everything I can, lifes too short not to. I was just joking around on this post and I do have a off the wall way of putting things, but I can assure you nothing I have said was intentionally directed at you or meant to hurt you. But I'm not a babby sitter ether so get over it and grow up and lets laugh about it and have a beer.
My apologies to you sir, I must of hurt you some how, but it was with out intent.
Hey, there lets take things a little easy...(easier), we all are trying to keep the HDTimeline forum informative, correct AND entertaining...and sometimes we all like to mix things up a bit. Chopper was being light and not condescending not taking any exception to the comments of others. Please maintain a common focus on our love of HD V-Twins...and keep the heat down, the discussions positive and in the spirit of helping our brothers and sisters, EVERYONE WINS.
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So now your a comedian. Others may think your funny, I dont. I joined this site to better understand HD MOTORCYLES. You sir work on motorocycles all day long, I dont and as such have dificulty understanding certain concepts. If that makes you feel superior to me so be it. I'm sure others may appreciate your extensive MOTORCYCLE knowlegde but I wont anymore.


BUBBIE here,
DAN I would offer you a QUESTION? what was said wrong to get you ticked off ?
I don't want to stur the soup pot here but i think ALL was said in a fun manner.

REMEMBER we are ALL getting FREE and MOSTLY good information here... I'll go back and re-read to see where I our WE went wrong AS I SAW nothing wrong with the exchange... IT is a long day for a lot of US to stick around and answer the questions NEEDED to be on this forum and as far as I see the BEST...

I only HOPE YOUR post is KIDDING also...

I find the people here(MEMBERS AND MODERATORS) giving THEIR TIME to HELP usually ALL a BLESSING... I find HUMOR is NEEDED once in a while.....

I'm a member just like you!

hard finding humor

I have read a lot of your posts and most of the moderators posts and I find them very interesting and there is a lot of wit and humor kicked in all the time and it makes learning interesting , keep it up dont let a few worry you , these are the un appreciative types that i am sure would complain if you hung them with a new rope ..
To all moderators
great job with everything!! I have learned more from this site then anywhere else including my mistakes
We are all here for the shared info and sometimes the light hearted fun, I dont think any one has ever been intentionally singled out , the great mods here would not allow it.I have the ut most respect for this site and am glad to be here, if I take a little ribbing, and I have it aint personal. Keep up the great work at this site, Jack Rock on Chopper, Hoople , Hobbit, Glider, Richard, T Q New Hd fan and Bubbie for all the great info I have learned from u all
BTW large contributors to finding neutral are clutch adjustment and overfilled fluid level, and in this case high performance clutch spring or clutch mods. But MOST problems with "stock" HD's are mis-adjustment of the clutch freeplay (more means great for small hands and "perceived" shorter "swept area" the downside is more clutch drag, as the clutch is not fully retracted when lever is pulled to the grip. This is rather savior faire, for those who have had the problem (including yours truly) before proper adjustment, fluid level, and EZ clutch pull kit or similar for us who are rather "slight of build" as the simplist resolution. JMO

More serious problems require more clutch, tranny work to reduce upshifting and downshifting effort of a HIGH performance clutch or tranny modification, which can be quite expensive to find and troubleshoot. New hardware may be needed like new shift forks, modified mating surfaces, even "relieved" specialty gear sets etc. Not for the weak of heart. That is why we try to do the tried and true a bent shift fork, linkage is likely a better start if reusing old parts.
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