bus driver
Somedays you get the elevator and somedays you get the shaft. Today I got the elevator. I removed the small amount of extra primary fluid that I added for the heck of it, readjusted the clutch, and adjusted the primary chain. I also tried rocking it in gear while it wasn't running and cold. I also tried holding the clutch lever in while it was running and cold to to sling the oil off of the clutch plates. The primary chain was just alittle out of adjustment maybe 1", instead of 5/8 to 7/8 of an inch while cold. Of all the things that I did, it seems holding the clutch lever in for a very short period of time seemed to work the best. When it was stone cold and running and I tried to put in gear it would still grind alittle bit, but when I held in the clutch lever for a few seconds (even as short as 3 seconds) it was fine. Once it warmed it was perfect. I hope that tidbit helps someone else as much as it helped me. Thanx for all of your advise guys. It's really appreciated. This is a great forum. Thanx again guys for the elevator. Bus Driver