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Harley at it again

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I workfor the biggest exporter in the United States. The Boeing Company. they spew that same coorporate garbage at us all the time. They just announced that they were currently paying 92% of our insurance cost and in order to stay competitive in todays market they are going to raise the non union employees co pay to 30%. Yet the top executives still get nine to twelve milliion dollar salaries, plus up to 20 million in stock options per year? Oh yeah! Did I mention record profits the last 3 quarters! We just recieved orders for 108 more planes in October. It's all garbage! They must really think we're a bunch of idiots. Contract coming up in 2012. They are already talking about raising union employees health care costs. Not to mention cutting out pensions for all new hires. Yeah, lets talk about union busting. Listen closely my brothers, Now is the time we need to organize. Now is the time when we need solidarity the most. If we don't do that they will turn us all into a bunch of broke puppets. Tell your friends, tell your neighbors. Americans need to unite. Together we can take down the coorporate machine that is destroying every thing our Grandfathers and Father built. It is very sad.
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