I get a kick out of the folks that have never touched a bike, let alone a Harley and sit in the back and bash us as if we got an undeserved promotion.
I tell them all....either you get it...or you dont. We ride, we ride Harleys. Other than the constant grin on our faces, the blown back hair and the sunburn, we are still the same people. Like most of us here ( I perceive), we wave and throttle up for the kids, we help those in need without question and we can gather by the thousands if there is a call to do so.
Whether its an inferiority complex, jealousy, or the lack of having a life, people will bash the unknown. As we walk out of a social gathering, or a park, they sit, they whisper......some drool. Jealous of the obvious bond or friendships made? who knows.
I quit sweatin the small stuff a long time ago.......keeps me young :small3d023: