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Harley Changes

I'm not enough of a mechanic to speak about problems /flaws in design. I do know my 01 Ultra has been 100% reliable so I can't complain about anything as to function.
I guess my only dislike with it is the heat it throws. I bought and installed the heat guards and that helped quite a bit..Still, on hot summer days, it feels like a blast furnace. It's only a minor dislike though.
That will never happen, you can thank the unions for that

You can add very poor upper Managment decisions and Company direction.The falure of the greedy CEOs to keep up with changing economic times...The poor front line worker gets the blame everytime..:(
The jiffy stand on 3 Harley's I have had/have all feel like they are going to push forward when the center of gravity is changed. I hate the thought of picking up 600+ lbs!:majesty
Standardize and reduce the variety of fastening hardware and special tools. SAE, Metric, Torx, allen etc., way too many sizes and types. JMO
Cut the pay of all directors, board members and executives to pre-2008 salaries. If the company is asking all the workers to cutback or laying them off...why not them too? 2008 was when the economy started going into the tank, and they were already riding the wave up along with everyone else pay wise.

Oh, oil filter placement would be a good thing, but simplifying the electronics would be a better place to start. Modular design wiring harness, so sections could be replaced if damaged rather than a centralized computer network backbone. Distributed multiple processor/modular design would make electronic service a breeze. That redundancy would also make it more reliable, multiple minds that think alike just works better.:D
I wish the Dyna neck bearings were able to be greased by a fitting instead of taking them apart. It isn't like you have to service them that often but it sure would be easier.

I like the oil filter suggestion that others have posted.
The Harley ECM does self adjust but not enough due to the restrictions put on the company by EPA to keep the mixtures lean. No matter how much it adjusts, it's still very lean.

Great ideas here, maybe we should print the replies and send them to the MOCO.:D

Glider, thanks for the feedback.
- Make oil temp gauge standard vs. air temp
- Center stand (always preferred on metrics)
- Reverse gear on all touring bikes
- Taller stock w/s on FLHX