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Harley Davidson...made in china

Yesterday I was my local HD and decided to get some vest extenders. They had a set with the bar and shield with the eagle on top. what's funny is the eagles head was facing to the left when all the other logo's has it facing to the right. Even the picture on the package had it facing to the right. I pointed it out to the employee and they said, "oh they must of made a mistake." I saw this a lot while I was overseas. Buy these Oakley's for $5.00, we called them Okies and you were lucky if they lasted the week.
I just read where someone stated we as Americans have priced ourselves to high. I think that may be a piece of the problem, but the bigger part of the problem is we as Americans are proud people! We demand a living wage, I hate to blame Corp. America for most of our problems, but lay blame where it deserves to be layed. Greed and over pricing has placed the cost of survival in this country very high. $3.40 for a gallon of gas when crude oil was as cheap per barrel as it was in the 70's is a prime example. Oil companies making billions every quarter in profits, that's just 1 example! That's the norm now a days. It's OK to mow over the 99%.
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HD is not the only company that pulls this stunt. :s I have seen it on other things also.
Yeah well its all about the global economy. The MoCo does a good job of specing good plating but from what an independent shop owner told me they are putting the squeeze on independents and discounters which means a bunch more new parts coming from third parties so you don't have to necessarily pay HD prices for made in Chine parts.
In August I did a 5,300 mile ride from Canada to California, etc and back. Along the way, the 2008 Street Glide began to wobble slightly under (front) breaking, at slow speed when you would pull up to a stop light. Almost the same sensation as when you have warped or overheated brake discs.

As this became inceasingly more noticable, I decided to take the bike in to an H-D Dealership to get it checked out, as there was also a noise in the transmission that I was concerned about.

The dealer called me the next day at the hotel to tell me that the wobbling was a result of worn wheel bearings. They said that both the front and rear wheel bearings were almost powder and needed immediate replacement. The noise in the transmission was also related to a worn bearing. The 2008 Street Glide had 18,000 miles on it from when I bought it new.

I have been riding for over 40 years, owned over 35 bikes (Japanese, Ducatis, 3 H-D's) and have never had to replace a wheel bearing, ever.

I authorized the dealer to do the work, they had to FedEx in the parts to get me going and the next day, after spending over 1,100.00 on repairs was back on the road and the bike was perfect again.

But before I left the dealership, I went back to visit the technician that worked on my bike. I asked him why the bearings failed so early, and he said "Mister, your wheel bearings were made in China and were garbage." "We replaced them with bearings made in the USA."
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In the late 60's I worked for a company that made ball bearings, just as they were starting to by product from Japan and repackage it in their boxes, wasn't too long before the owners just shut the plant down and struck a deal with the Jap suppliers, and became a "distributor", by now I am sure the Japs have folded to the Chicoms...all in the name of "better profits"...about 500 people in the plant where I worked lost their jobs..I could be wrong but I don't think we have any ball bearing plants in the USA anymore...
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In the late 60's I worked for a company that made ball bearings, just as they were starting to by product from Japan and repackage it in their boxes, wasn't too long before the owners just shut the plant down and struck a deal with the Jap suppliers, and became a "distributor", by now I am sure the Japs have folded to the Chicoms...all in the name of "better profits"...about 500 people in the plant where I worked lost their jobs..I could be wrong but I don't think we have any ball bearing plants in the USA anymore...

Probably not have gone out of business you were willing to work for $2.39, the average pay in China today.


I just read where someone stated we as Americans have priced ourselves to high. I think that may be a piece of the problem, but the bigger part of the problem is we as Americans are proud people! We demand a living wage, I hate to blame Corp. America for most of our problems, but lay blame where it deserves to be layed. Greed and over pricing has placed the cost of survival in this country very high. $3.40 for a gallon of gas when crude oil was as cheap per barrel as it was in the 70's is a prime example. Oil companies making billions every quarter in profits, that's just 1 example! That's the norm now a days. It's OK to mow over the 99%.

Reference to 1% please?
And who are the 99%? Don't they get the government they deserve also?
1% vote vs 99%, who wins?:majesty
What make tent do you have set up? Are your kids with you?:naughty


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Folks, let's please redirect this thread back to the orignal subject. No political discussions. If this trend continues, the thread will be closed.

