Agree, however nobody can replace history.Get used to it boys and girls. It is the wave of the future and it stinks. More and more jobs leaving. Victory is the most American Scooter available today. HD still has the history and the legacy..... for now.
Sad news thing you know Remmington,colt,and the other fine gunmakers of the great USA will follow the rush to even bigger profits,(heaven forbid)(always assumming there is such a place of course!)like the moguls here..outsourceing everything to Poland and like places ,saving on labor,but chargeing the end user the same prices like it was made in england.Governments should be stepping in on that one,theyre supposed to be looking after the interests of the PEOPLE fer cryin out loud!!Or is that just a dream??
Just a different kind of doo ragI was watching something on discovery channel, or a like channel, about the hells angels expansion into amsterdam and another country i think was norway. Definitely Amsterdam due to the pervasive drug market, but not sure the other country. Some pretty mean ole boys in amsterdam. I'm trying to picture what a hells angel operation in india would look like. Can't quite picture that at the moment :laugh