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harley davidson made in india

Get used to it boys and girls. It is the wave of the future and it stinks. More and more jobs leaving. Victory is the most American Scooter available today. HD still has the history and the legacy..... for now. :(
Get used to it boys and girls. It is the wave of the future and it stinks. More and more jobs leaving. Victory is the most American Scooter available today. HD still has the history and the legacy..... for now. :(
Agree, however nobody can replace history.
Sad news thing you know Remmington,colt,and the other fine gunmakers of the great USA will follow the rush to even bigger profits,(heaven forbid)(always assumming there is such a place of course!)like the moguls here..outsourceing everything to Poland and like places ,saving on labor,but chargeing the end user the same prices like it was made in england.Governments should be stepping in on that one,theyre supposed to be looking after the interests of the PEOPLE fer cryin out loud!!Or is that just a dream??
Sad news thing you know Remmington,colt,and the other fine gunmakers of the great USA will follow the rush to even bigger profits,(heaven forbid)(always assumming there is such a place of course!)like the moguls here..outsourceing everything to Poland and like places ,saving on labor,but chargeing the end user the same prices like it was made in england.Governments should be stepping in on that one,theyre supposed to be looking after the interests of the PEOPLE fer cryin out loud!!Or is that just a dream??

Ruger I do believe is the last of the lot. Colt still has a custom shop, but I would take an Italian clone to a good gunsmith and end up with better product than they make.
On the other hand creating jobs in India and Mexico might just stop the influx of aliens, legal and otherwise, since their own countries will have all the jobs and they can just stay home.
Harley is just going the way of everything else that was American. IMHO
This is not new. Brazil assembly plant opened in 1999. India will just assemble from kits made and sent there by our workers. The major reason for it all is outrageous tariffs. India wants the Harley brand, will buy them as they'll be able to afford them without the tariff of a shipped bike.
We complain about the price of a Harley and yet, demand they be made here, with 30% corporate tax shoved on business by gov...and, unions demand wages in the $25 per hour range. I'm all in favor of our workers making good money and building our Harley. We just can't have it both ways...Cheap Harley and high paid workers. I'll not complain about the price as long as they are made here, by American workers. We should be more concerned with corporate greed ( all companies), union greed as well. There should be no sacred cows ( sorry India).
Sad. Very sad. When we once could boast about products being "Made in America" we now have very little in our manufacturing segment.
We simple can't have an economy based on people selling hamburgers to one another!
BTW, I work in manufacturing. We make Budweiser bottles. Ever since I have been doing this, over 40 years now, there has always been the threat of losing our jobs and closing our plants. Be it returnables, aluminum cans, and now the new aluminum bottles, and the ever present China threat on imports, all we can do is watch it all slip away with out a fighting chance. As Americans we vote with our wallets and our wallets are saying "buy cheaper"!
One of the reasons why I came back to Harley Davidson is because it is made in America. It was something that I felt I could be proud of. Oh well.
I was watching something on discovery channel, or a like channel, about the hells angels expansion into amsterdam and another country i think was norway. Definitely Amsterdam due to the pervasive drug market, but not sure the other country. Some pretty mean ole boys in amsterdam. I'm trying to picture what a hells angel operation in india would look like. Can't quite picture that at the moment :laugh
I agree with smitty as well, but i believe in 5 years, you will see them shipping the bikes back to USA, once they see the profit margins
I just bought an 09 heritage. My first Harley. I may never buy another bike as I really like this one. If I ever do I will be looking seriously at Victory.
It's called Global Partnership and thay are all doing it. Unemployment in the United States is at what 10, 11%. Home forclosures highest in history. And yet, our government continues to give big buisiness tax breaks for shipping work oversees. I'll tell you what. It cost me quite a bit more for American made products, but I do every thing I can to stay away from foreign made products. I know, I know it's impossible. Gotta try. Gotta do something. American Voters thought giving the GOP control of the Senate was making a statement this week. What a joke. We need to kick them all out. The Dems and the republicans. We need change alright, but that doesn't mean from one side to another. I do that all night in bed and I still wake up sore! This is just another move by another American Co. to make more money. That's the bottom line. They don't care about us, they don't care about our country.

I was watching something on discovery channel, or a like channel, about the hells angels expansion into amsterdam and another country i think was norway. Definitely Amsterdam due to the pervasive drug market, but not sure the other country. Some pretty mean ole boys in amsterdam. I'm trying to picture what a hells angel operation in india would look like. Can't quite picture that at the moment :laugh
Just a different kind of doo rag:D