On paper, and for the purposes of debating our point of view, we can easily claim that motorcycles are not a luxury item because yes, they get great gas mileage, and yes, they are a practical way of getting around, especially in a congested area or a place with tight roadways and lots of traffic.
All GREAT arguments....on paper. In theory.
Time for a reality check though, and real, look ourselves in the mirror honesty.
99.999999999999% of us ride for FUN. We aren't saving fuel, we are in fact WASTING it, because most of us ride most of our miles for the sheer pleasure of being on our bikes going for a ride, and that is ALL.
Now, before some of my buds here get all crazy, yea, some of you go to work on your bikes. Some of you go pick up milk and bread on your bikes. (The bagger guys like me anyway.)
Some of you, (VERY, VERY few, lets call a spade a spade fellas), use your bike as your primary transportation.
But the vast majority of bikers ride for pleasure, and it IS pleasurable indeed!!!
But lets not kid ourselves that we're saving the environment here, because if everyone who owns a bike never used another gallon of gas to just "go for a ride", there would be incredible amounts of gallons of fossil fuel left un-burned every year, I'm sure.
This isn't blasphemy guys...I've been riding for 40 years and loved every ride, and I'm not about to stop, but I'm not for one second going to try to convince myself it isn't anything but selfish and wasteful use of natural resources.