bozhog...I agree the TTS Mastertune is prolly the best on the market...but, I'm not doing any major upgrades for a couple of seasons(if at all) and I don't want to add any more sensors. They cost about $1100.00Cdn and that's way more than I have or want to spend on a Stage 1. I'm trying to wake this bike up on the cheap, 'cause coin is tight.
When I did my heritage I didn't have to get into the ignition for timing curves or rev limits until I bumped 2 points on CR, longer duration and high lift cam. That bike lives on the edge.
I feel all I need is one of these "fuelers" for a Stage 1 and can add a bolt in cam and a .030 head gasket later and just retune the fueler .
bluey...I did check out the other forum yesterday and got a lot of info on the SER fueler. I'm new to TC's and sensors and EFI so if I can find something that can make tuning EFI similar to rejetting a carb....Great!! The RPM pots on the SER are crossover points, so setting them should be like going off the pilot (1/4 throttle) onto the needle (1/4-3/4) and then from the needle to the main (3/4-WOT) and you can play with them(fuelers) to get the mix right.
I'm not a big fan of SE stuff but if I can get the SER for a real bargain I'll take it,if not I'll order a TFI thru my bud's shop locally(Support Your Local Indy)
Thanks fellas for all the input and suggestions

any more welcome...i need lots of help with this new tech stuff