At one point many years ago, me and Miss Jan had 2 dogs, 3 cats, and 7 tropical fish.
Over a few years time, all 7 fish slowly died off - gave the aquarium away.
Had to get rid of one cat, Jonesy, due to behaviorial issues.
Then Sam, our 14 year old Golden Retriever, died about 4 years ago, leaving us with only 1 dog and 1 cat.
Then Lucy, our Calico cat died about 3 years ago.
Just Today, I had to take Bailey, our 16 year old gray tabby, to the vet to have her put down.

She was such a great cat! Loving, playful, and sensitive to her people's moods. We are really going to miss that old girl. A sad day for us.
So now we only have our German Shepard mix, Cosmo, remaining. He's about 7 years old and is a very loyal boy and great watchdog. That's Cosmo in the pic below with my grandson, Jacob.