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Have Pets?

I saw one other cat person here, so i dont feel so bad :)

always prefered cats, always travelled lots, so no problems to leave them for a day
or two.. I like they are independent.

Current one is called Felix, sleeps everywhere, sits on the table while we eat
and waits for scraps.. eats anything, loves pringles and chocolate.
Wrigley (Boxer) -- from rescue group out of Cleveland, and Hannah (Rough Collie) rescued after being dumped in Hocking Hills area, 9 months old. They keep each other young.

Did I mention 2 rescued cats and a parakeet and cockatiel?! Noah's Ark around here!

my pooch called Boss.
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At one point many years ago, me and Miss Jan had 2 dogs, 3 cats, and 7 tropical fish.

Over a few years time, all 7 fish slowly died off - gave the aquarium away.

Had to get rid of one cat, Jonesy, due to behaviorial issues.

Then Sam, our 14 year old Golden Retriever, died about 4 years ago, leaving us with only 1 dog and 1 cat.


Then Lucy, our Calico cat died about 3 years ago.


Just Today, I had to take Bailey, our 16 year old gray tabby, to the vet to have her put down. :( She was such a great cat! Loving, playful, and sensitive to her people's moods. We are really going to miss that old girl. A sad day for us.


So now we only have our German Shepard mix, Cosmo, remaining. He's about 7 years old and is a very loyal boy and great watchdog. That's Cosmo in the pic below with my grandson, Jacob.

At one point many years ago, me and Miss Jan had 2 dogs, 3 cats, and 7 tropical fish.

Over a few years time, all 7 fish slowly died off - gave the aquarium away.

Had to get rid of one cat, Jonesy, due to behaviorial issues.

Then Sam, our 14 year old Golden Retriever, died about 4 years ago, leaving us with only 1 dog and 1 cat.


Then Lucy, our Calico cat died about 3 years ago.


Just Today, I had to take Bailey, our 16 year old gray tabby, to the vet to have her put down. :( She was such a great cat! Loving, playful, and sensitive to her people's moods. We are really going to miss that old girl. A sad day for us.


So now we only have our German Shepard mix, Cosmo, remaining. He's about 7 years old and is a very loyal boy and great watchdog. That's Cosmo in the pic below with my grandson, Jacob.


You should get Cosmo an adopted playmate.
Here is my best friend, Mehl. He is a rescued Whippet, 5 years old and one heck of a great dog.
