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Having to search for neutral

My problem is solved!!! Thank all of you for your help and I think you are all correct. I am using spectro, but I didn't think it helped any when I first put it in.

Saturday, we went to the Harley shop and I mentioned it to the Service Manager(before I read any of your replies), and he test rode it and said your clutch is too loose. They adjusted it for me and it has never been better. from day one it never shifted this good.

I feel like such a dummy. I had adjusted the clutch using the easy method. Its says (almost foolproof), well I'm the fool. I adjusted the pushrod bolt until the clutch handle started to move, then BACKED IT OFF a half round. If I could just learn to read, it clearly states to adjust until the handle starts to move then go ANOTHER HALF ROUND. Well lesson learned and thanks again.
Geezer,in regards to the spectro platinum,when I first put it in I was dissapointed,it shifted easier but 5th and 6th were still noisy.It took about 1000 miles for it to fully work itself in.Now it is about the quietest 6speed I have ridden.Just thought I would throw that in there
Thank you, Steve. I'm well pleased with it now after clutch adjustment. It is the like black and white, doesn't ride like the same bike.
Gee Smitty, I thought I was the only one that did that kind of stuff!
I was looking for a torx socket the other day, that I was using at the time. And was getting pretty frustrated with myself because I couldn't find it, when I realized it was on the extension that I had in my other hand. Duh! time for a break.
Glad to hear this is easy to fix. I took a demo ride on an Ultra and never found neutral in the 13 mile ride. I thought it was me as I had never used a heal/toe shifter before. The bike was a screaming eagle 09 Ultra with 7K miles. I guess they get beat up going from one dealer to the next with anyone with a license riding them.