TQ - you have an '03 UC and you waited until now to add a backrest? Man, what were you waiting for?
I don't see how anyone can ride significant distances without a backrest and highway pegs.
Actually the first time my wife and I went for a ride on my Ultra I left the backrest on and it was a tight fit for her. In fact, it is bent a bit from that very first time and is now difficult to lock in place when I add or remove it. Now when we go for a ride I simple remove it and lean on her! She is also a good head rest!to all --- does the driver's backrest tend to make it more difficult for the lady passenger to get on and off???? it looks like it would naturally. if so, is that something she would get used to and not be a bother?
Bill (wanting to get a backrest)
TQ --- great post!!! - really like all the pix you sent along.
I noticed the TFI that you have installed under the tank. Are you really happy with it? I hear so much about them that I am strongly considering getting one to reduce the darn decel popping that I get.
to all --- does the driver's backrest tend to make it more difficult for the lady passenger to get on and off???? it looks like it would naturally. if so, is that something she would get used to and not be a bother?
to all --- does the driver's backrest tend to make it more difficult for the lady passenger to get on and off???? it looks like it would naturally. if so, is that something she would get used to and not be a bother?
TQuentin1 - nice post with pictures!
I have an '09 UC with this ADJ BR installed, and NOW I need to add the Psgr Grab Rails to appease my little Mrs. because of some precious 6YO female cargo that likes to ride with me, since I no longer have that strap.
I see that you have the GR's installed - you encounter any issues? Should I be aware of anything? I need to order these HD-Grab Rails and I want to make sure the fit will be ok.
My ONLY concern is that your bike and my bike have different frames...
if you have any info I would love to hear it.
Thank you!
Thanks for the pictures. I was told by my dealer that a backrest couldn't be used with passenger grab rails, but I see you have them on your bike. Was there any problem installing the back rest because of the passenger grab rails?
I am almost always 2 up. My wife actually likes it as it gives her a place to rest her hands and keeps her from sliding up on hard stops. I did modify the adjustment knob as I mentioned previously. She did not like that the first time she got on, but after I got rid of that she was happy.