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HD "Get a Grip" Grips

I had a set of these put on my bike at the 1000mi service and I can't believe the difference! The contoured feel makes a huge difference in comfort and they look good, too.

I put them on my bike also and could tell the difference right away.

Very comfortable on the hands,fits the palms well.
While on vacation in MN I went to local HD for "free" food & saw they had 20% off all in-stock grips...guess what I walked out with...?? Can't wait to get them on the bike for a try. :D
I just got the Get a Grip grips on my 2004 RKC. They feel great! My old grips felt a little slippery when they were cold, but got a little tacky and provided better grip when warm. The shape and texture of these is good warm or cold. I highly recommend them to anyone!
Definitely an improvement in comfort...finally installed mine later last riding season and they're staying on for awhile...maybe until worn through.
I just got the Get a Grip grips put on my 2004 RKC. Love the feel of them! It is a great improvement over the stock grips.
I'm making this post not to the ones that already have these grips but to the ones considering them.

What they have done for me is allowed me to loosen my grip up some. Maybe because my older grips were 6 years old and hard and slick but they didn't fit my hands well and I always felt I needed to hang on more firm than I felt necessary. When I spend money on myself, I usually take plenty of time to be sure I am buying what I need rather than what I want. These grips were a good purchase.
I use these.

Oh I know exactly what they are! Had a set on my very first set of wheels that remarkably enough also had a pretty fair set of factory apes, banana seat and very modest sissy bar......Schwinn Stingray! Circa 1966