Hd doesn't make em for softails. I do. Ive been the 1st out there making deflectors. Yes, theirs are priced cheaper than mine. But thats cause it was a smart move on their part for advertising. To move their plastic versions. Plus mine is manufactured solely here in the USA. Not over seas like theirs is. Ive the original touring model prototype on my scoot here. It still looks like the day I put them on and that was 10 years ago. I build them to last. Mine have no leather on them. Their aluminum with a vinyl that matches your seats covering. Thus making it look more like its from the factory and as an extention of the seat or saddle. If anyone has any questions. Ill be glad to answer them. Im not in here doing a sales plug on my product. There's no need too. My work speaks for it's self.
ok you all can have the soap box back.