I also find that my back does not hurt while riding . but sure does while working !!
Too bad we can't get a job that just requires riding!!
I also find that my back does not hurt while riding . but sure does while working !!
For medical reasons I have a permanent exemption card from the province of Manitoba that says I don't have to wear a helmet even though it's the law here. I was wondering if it would be honored in other provinces or states where it's also the law? Does anyone know or where I could find out? I figured this would be the best place to find the info. Thanks Geezer.
What would happen is that you would get a ticket and have to go to court to prove your medical condition. The cops really don't care.
Geezer, as far as I know it's law to wear a helmet in all provinces. BUT... here in BC, anybody that wears a turban doesn't have to wear a helmet due to thier religious beliefs.
Couldn't agree more!! What gets me is the turbans in the RCMP. The mountie is supposedly Canada's most recognized symbol and they don't have to wear the traditional hat.Here in Ontario,after a long and costly trial the turban wearer lost his case against the Province.He had used the explanation that the helmet law was a violation of his religious beliefs.
While I am not in favour of helmet laws I am glad he lost.If someone migrates to another country they should be made to conform to that countries customs and laws,we should not have to alter things to suite the immigrants customs. OK off my soapbox now!!!
Wow a Turban passes for a lid who would have guessed that one