I rode without a helmet before the law. I ride with a helmet after the law. I will ride with and at times without a helmet if the law is ever drop. Find one that fits good and lets ride..........:newsmile011:
Just curious about what is the main reason some don't like wearing a helmet. Is it because of the way they make you look? Is it because they are hot or otherwise uncomfortable. I have to think it has to be one or the other as I can think of no other reasons, but I am curious as if there are other reasons. I do not wear one, although I know I should. Since there is no helmet law where I live, I don't. As far as why, I would say for me it is about 50-50 about looks and comfort. Not advocating if you should or you should not wear one, not wanting a debate and not asking why I should ( I know that answer) just want to know everybodys opinion about what they do not like about wearing one. Ride safe.