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Helmets... do you wear one or no? and why?

If Dad didn't wear a helmet that day many years ago he might not be around today. That's only judging from the gashes left in the shell of his helmet. There were other factors that caused him to lay down his bike, factors that could have been avoided. Nowadays he continues to wear a helmet by choice,(in Florida) even though the law allows him not to.

Some where in the mid 1990's California decided to remove my choice and dictate to me that I must wear a helmet. That's very disturbing to me. I had been on a few rides before the law, and I miss those days.

Last year I met some new friends from this forum in Arizona where helmets are not required. Those were a couple of best riding days I've had in a long time! I can not put into words very well how good that felt.

I can not argue that helmets may, or, may not save lives.

If I were injured so severely that I can not communicate, I wouldn't want to be a burden to the state or it's people, let me go in peace! Don't take that decision away from me too.

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The law in Al requires a helmet so I wear one, but I choose to wear one even when I'm in FL which does not. Since we all should be adults I believe it is our choice and should not be mandatory.
My 11 year old son shamed me into wearing my helmet... He did not understand why I would make him wear a helmet when I would take him for a ride, but I would not wear one myself. So, I figured I would set a good example and wear my as well.
The first year I started riding ('83), we didn't have a helmet law and I kinda liked the feeling of riding without a helmet. But my biggest problem was keeping my eye protection from flying off my face when I turned my head; didn't care for goggles and there are way too many bugs around to ride without. Well, that and I really like having my eyesight.
It became law the following year and I've been riding with one ever since. Now I just feel naked without one. Couple years ago I rode a measly block without one while in North Dakota and it just made me nervous.

Helmets have been proven to reduce your chances of cracking your skull in a crash. You just have to watch someone crash while motorcycle racing and walk away. In some cases the helmet is helpful to identify the remains. But, when the weather is hotter than Hades, they can feel like having an oven on your head.
I never wear a helmet as it's not required in Texas. And I feel anyone that doesn't ride shouldn't even have an opinion on the subject. Don't sit in your cage and tell me what you think I should do. It's none of your business. If it's my time to go, then nothing can be done about it. When the man upstairs calls me home, I'm going the same way I came into this world...... without something on my head. Other than my do-rag to keep my hair from blowing all over the place and the top of my head from getting burnt. But the half red/half white forehead thing sure looks funny after a few hours of riding in the Texas sun. Was trying to come up with a do-rag with a small steel domed plate in the top just for those like me. Might catch on, huh??? :D
I am an EMS Helicopter pilot, 30% of our calls are hospital to hospital, 50% are vehicle accidents. Of those 30% are motorcycles. I get to see first hand the results, I choose to wear a helmet. Oh yeah that last 20% are people shooting, stabbing, beating the snot out of each other.
I wear a helmet only because it is the law. I enjoy riding without a helmet. When I get home to Colorado I lose the bucket. I have lost a few friends to motorcycle accidents, and I had 1 friend who was wearing a helmet and lived but has major brain injuries, can't walk,talk just a veggie so yes he would had died if he was without a helmet...whats better? Again like it has been said before should be your choice, I remember when seat belt first started no one like them but the 'Law says' and I hate them to!