It is a choice, and yes full face helmet is preferred by those who do not like the noise, windblast and want protection to the chin area...matter of fact my gal prefers it. I for one have always used full face helmet, but when I got the Harley and rode it home with borrowed 1/2 helmet I just liked it better. Also, got a huge deal on a carbon fiber 1/2 helmet that I could not pass up, paid for goggles to go over my glasses, so we are both happy.
Full face helmet is safest, plain and simple...3/4 helmet next and 1/2 helmet the least. Both 3/4 & 1/2 helmets require goggles which offer better eye protection than just shield alonel. Let your personal preference be your guide as long as you wear A helmet...the single most proactive and effective thing a rider can do to prevent head injury without a conscious thought other than strapping it on.