When I bought my bike, I also picked up a Harley Davidson HJC Modular from the dealer. I got this helmet initially because I wear contact lenses and the wind usually gives them a fit!! I didn't care what it looked like, it was functionallity.
My wife, bless her little ole heart, didn't want a full face. She visited a couple of the local ricerocket shops and found a 1/2 helmet that had a visor, like the one mentioned in an earlier post, that slips up into the shell of the helmet. It's a Scorpion ISO 100, it comes in several colors and there are various color visors that you can get to go on it also.
The summers here in Southeast Georgia are treacherous!! Needless to say the Fullface I have gets extreemly warm when you are sitting on an asphalt road, in traffic, with very little breeze blowing. I would take it off, and I would feel like that guy on the DUI comercial, but with a helmet full of sweat!! So I went down to the local ricerocket shop and bought me an ISO 100 also. I LOVE IT!! It keeps the wind out of my contacts and it's fairley cool too.
It's not quite as lite as most 1/2 helmets, but you get the eye protection without the goggles. I would definately recommend it to anyone!!