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HELP - engine dying while riding

Have you cleaned your IAC? Check my earlier post.

I agree with this. I have had this sort of problem periodically. Now that I know what the symptoms are, I just grab a can of carb cleaner spray, stuff some paper towel up against the butterfly valve to reduce the amount of liquid pouring into the cylinders, but still leaving the port open to clean the IAC. I use a whole can, but not in one continuous spray. I use about 1/3 the can at a time, letting the cleaner "soak" for about 10 min. between sprays.

Note - good idea to use some sort of "bib" down the side of the engine and tranny so that the fluid does not run down on them. Also, it is good to rig up so that the bike leans to the right or is upright while you are doing this. Helps to keep some of the fluid out of the intake. But the engine will still be hard to start until the carb cleaner evaporates or is consumed by the engine.

CPS crank position sensor. My 06 sporty did the same thing. we went crazy trying to figure it out. A friend said he heard of somebody with the same problem so we replaced it. we didnt know how to test it. we took a chance and it was the problem. I would find out how to test it before you go buying 1 because most places will not let you return them if it is not the problem. Good Luck; i would like to hear the end results