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Help I messed up

4 months is not the end of the world, but old gas, oil and condensation will take its' toll, and battery discharge while not terrible, with certain "live" items like the slight leakage from regulator/stator, alarm system, etc. the battery can end up deeply discharged and be "toast". As Smitty said, get the old gas outta here, in particular pay attention to the condition of the gas draining out of the float bowl and initially out the bottom of the tank. Any odd "sludge" rust/varnish/epoxy tank liner debris will smell bad and exhibit condition of your fueling system as to what steps to take next.

Next, do get the old battery charged...(slowly) using initially an auto battery charger at 6A or so for 30-45 minutes max., if the battery seems to be accepting charge, swiitch to an "intelligent" battery tender to get it fully charged the rest of the way overnight. In the morning you should be able to start the bike with the fresh gas, and if successful, get the bike throughly warmed up with a 30 minute ride or so, and then do the oil and lube fluid changes.

Later on, you can do the normal spring maintenance which would be on your dewinterizing check list, perhaps plug change, pull aircleaner clean carb throat and checking slide/accellerator pump and such, using Gumout or Chemtool spray to do quick cleanup with the bike running. Do check the self help and search tabs for tips and finding related threads.
Glad I live in GA and ddon't have to do all of that. However I do keep mine on a battery tender. Just let it be a lesson learned for next winter. When you get your new battery get a good battery tender to go with it. Change gas and oil.
Good advice from Smitty and the others. After draining the old gas out get a small bottle/can of a brand name fuel additive without a large concentration of alcohol (20 % or less)This will assist in cleaning the areas of the fuel system that draining the fuel won't reach. I can usually ride all year, but even if I can't I make sure to start and run it at least once a week and keep it full all winter. Don't think you hurt anything so don't panic. Just a little TLC is needed. She will love you in return.