Senior Member
OK....guess I have to be the one to play "Devil's Advocate"!
You asked for advice.
The guys mean well, but telling you "it's your decision, do what you want" and "it's your money, do what you want", is NOT what you came here looking for, IMHO!
You came for ADVICE about what to do! You ALREADY KNOW it's "your bike" and "your money", right??
So, here's a more direct answer.
There is a reason the dealer will do an even trade, and it isn't because he just loves you and would make any sacrifice as long as you're happy.
He is doing it because HE IS STEALING YOUR TRADE.
If you REALLY want a Road King, OK.
Sell your Ultra, then go out and buy the RK, and POCKET THE DIFFERENCE. (and oh by the way, sell the parts you took off the Ultra and pocket THAT money too!)
That said, I wouldn't be so hasty to "off" your beautiful Ultra!
I ride an Ultra myself. But like you, I got tired of the extra weight and installed a quick-detach kit for the Tour-Pak, and changed out the seat and pipes, and guess what???
It's a WHOLE NEW BIKE! I love what I've got now...a Street Glide with a fantastic sound system and the ride of a caddy. Wouldn't trade it for any Road King now, although it was something I might have considered before.
But here's the REAL BEAUTY of it all....
If I want a full fledged dresser Ultra, a couple minutes of snap-on, snap-off and I've got one again!
Can't do THAT with a Road King, right???
Act in haste, repent at leisure.
Think about that, and if you still want to do the deal,you need to think about it some more.
Richard I think you nailed it. The dealer is not your "friend". :cheers
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