Good point in that 1) the bike could be lowered so check the ground clearance to Spec - s/b 5.1 inches and 2) the FLSTN ground clearance is 4.8 inches and the kick stand length may be different and may solve this problem.
Bill, went to garage and checked my '07 Heritage with the same "concrete floor" test. When the bike is vertical, I have two inches (toe of boot slides under) of clearance between the bottom of the kick stand and the concrete floor - and that is with 180 lbs of me on the seat.
Check you ground clearance - should be 5.1 inches - something is not right.
This is getting weird. As for mine I have a hair under 5 inches clearance. Maybe 4.9 inches. I have a stand that would normally go on a Deluxe which has slightly lower ground clearance so if anything it would be a shorter stand. When I park among a bunch of Heritages mine leans at the same angle as everyone else's. I thought it was just normal to have to lean it past vertical. Now I really want to figure out what the deal is.
well shoot - one good thing here - I think I finally explained my concern in a manner which others understand now! YEAH!! Now, on to checking my ground clearance etc. More later.
I have been dying to post this...
The S/O has a mild case of I.D.S. (Inseam Deficit Syndrome) and a 2003 Fat Boy that has also been lowered. She has a similar problem and this was my solution: