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Heritage Pipes

V&H makes a great quality product, and can be made to sound the way you want. You did not say that the dealer had also changed out you air cleaner/filter to a Screaming Eagle or K&N. As the new exhaust is less restrictive to get the most from them you will need to get more air into the mix. With the added air and less restrictive exhaust the Dobeck is a great way to go and as has been said you can tune it to different things you may want to do later.
I've got to say that I totally agree with Mad Dog Jim. You say you are new to bikes altogether, right? Don't rush out and spend tons of money on things you've "heard" you need. Call the dealer immediately and see if you can cancel the V&H purchase - tell them you need more time to think.

Then I'd follow this process:

1. Take your new bike home, break it in as recommended in our Self Help Tips, and just get to know it and enjoy it

2. Money should first be spent on safety and comfort gear. Helmet, boots, glasses, gloves, jacket, etc. Then comfort stuff like a backrest, highway pegs, grips.

3. Get a Service Manual and any tools you need and do your own 1000 Mile Service

4. Get some good quality fluids in your bike - again, spend some time in our Self Help Tips

5. After spending your money on items 2 through 4 above, now you should have enough miles on your bike to know what kind of accessorizing you want to do as far as chrome, pipes, air cleaner, fuel management, etc.

I know my way sounds kind of boring but it will keep you happy and save you money in the long run versus throwing money at everything your pals and the dealer say you've just got to have!
I know you will do what you want to do, we are just trying to save you from the same thing we all went through at some point. Excited, want it now, then regret it later... Buts it's YBYD, have fun either way.
I bought my 01 Heritage and it has Vance and Hines Big Shots on it. The used bike dealer started it up for me. I was very surprised that it was so loud. My state is very touchy about noise so I bought a set of Quiet baffles. After taking it for a ride, it was a real pig...wouldn't pull clean. Found out the engine is a 96 inch with a cam. After putting the stock baffles back in, the bike shop was able to get 82hp out of it. An increase of almost 10 HP with the quiet baffles. He had a very hard time getting the quiet baffles out of the pipes though. I think I pinched the fiberglass when installing them. Just a little info on my limited experience on pipes.
Sampson, given that this will be your first bike here is what I highly suggest. I truely would not change a thing to the bike at all until I had about 5,000 miles on it at least. The bike runs and sounds and looks just fine as is from the factory. Especially for a new rider. Then as you are out there riding around you will be figuring out what you like or don't like about the bike. You will also be finding other riders along the way who have made some changes to their bike, some of these changes you will like, some you won't like. You can always go back later and get pipes. Do yourself a huge favor and hold off on any immediate modifications.

Sampson, I agree with mad dog here, take you're time and get used to you're bike first. Spring is here so there will be lots of rides and cruise inns around so go check out all the bikes you can find and question the owners when possible as to what they like or dislike about the particular set up they've got, also you'll be able to hear actual sound of different exhaust instead of listining to a sound bite. Congrates on you're new ride, it should serve you well for a long time.
My '05 Softtail came with V&H long shots. They look great, but they are "LOUD". They seem to run hot but I can't really say because this is my first Harley and I have no experience to compare it to. Listen to a few (there are a lot of them out there) and see if the volume is acceptable for your taste.