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Hilarious if you haven't seen it.

We all done something stupid at some point... but today's modern dummys have something we didn't...

Yea and Security Cams, which I surmise was acquired in the process of getting the guys truck fixed.

Got to give the Guy in the second video a Thumbs Up.... At least he Stayed With the bike and landed himself upright while Holding on the bike bars.....:ap That impressed me... Probably no damages but a few Bruises and a Big one to the EGO... signed....BUBBIE

Yea did you notice (if your speaker was on) his motor is still running while they are just standing around holding the bike. I think I would have turned the motor off as soon as possible in that position.

RWB Had always wondered about getting a scoot in the back of a pickup, guess I'll never try it with my wife's truck,,good ones!

If you can find a ditch side the road and back the truck up to it, that is pretty safe. Otherwise if your truck is very high at all it can get tricky. I noticed the other day just driving my bike up on a low trailer with a fold down tail gate, the frame of my bike drug on the trailer frame due to my flat tire. I had to stand up and take the weight off to get it on up.
Got to give the Guy in the second video a Thumbs Up.... At least he Stayed With the bike and landed himself upright while Holding on the bike bars.....:ap
That impressed me... Probably no damages but a few Bruises and a Big one to the EGO...

I have to agree with you too Sir Bubbie, I was quite impressed that the guy could hang onto the bike like that, though it made my back hurt just watching that. I forgot to mention that earlier....but the first guy probably didn't get the girl. :p
I have to agree with you too Sir Bubbie, I was quite impressed that the guy could hang onto the bike like that, .. ... ... ..
I forgot to mention that earlier....but the first guy probably didn't get the girl. :p

RE: Bike truck load
Yea with natural talent like that maybe he should start a tow service ......... uh no maybe not. Did you hear the girls in the Garage laughing?

RE: Bike exhibition rider
Yep LOL, after witnessing that glorious crash, she gets the pic and says I'm outa here.
RE: Bike exhibition rider
Yep LOL, after witnessing that glorious crash, she gets the pic and says I'm outa here.[/QUOTE]

No... it was just her turn at Kaeoke! "oh, girls just wanna have fuh un..."
And just when you thought only Boys were dumb.

But wait there's more,

My hearing is so bad on some syllables that I had my wife listen to these to make sure there were no bad words in them. So hopefully Donna won't let me down. (or she may be using this just to get back at me for posting the pic of that hot beer server at Bike Week)

The female gender can do it too, check these out.
(Glad she wasn't hurt bad, I'm sure she learned a lesson and made us laugh too)
YouTube - Girl crashes motorbike

(And this chick really puts her spirit into it, wonder if her boyfriend really appreciates it)
YouTube - Girl wheelie

(And here both genders say what they heck lets all get muddy, don't worry I did not see any nudity)
YouTube - Mudfest The Big Party In The South!