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Hog Members

Joined the national and my local chapter when I bought my bike in 2007. Completely enjoy the local chapter functions and meetings. Wouldn't be without it. Haven't found a nicer group of people since I retired from service.
I'VE BEEN A MEMBER OFF AND ON SINCE 93. My wife and I are current members until next March. I don't have time to go to meetings so I never joined a local.
We won't renew next year because there is no benifit in it for us.
You would think the dealers would give you some kind of discounts on parts for being a member. But when I asked if they did, they got offended that I asked. So It's just not worth it to us to pay the dues and all we get is a patch and two magazines every month. Nothing against those who are members, it just doesn't do anything for us. We do help with other bennifit rides that help people out, so that keeps us in the loop with other bikers.
cowboywildbill, my dealer gives us a 10% discount for attending local chapter meetings. I think that's pretty standard for HOG and HD.
I wish we had your dealer near us, our's doesn't give discounts, at least that's what they told us. Maybe I have to join thier local to get it, but they didn't mention that when I asked.
I did get a 10% discount in Gettysburg, Pa on a parts puchase because occasionaly they give Police & Firefighters a break. And they aren't even my local dealer, although they are only about 10 minutes futrher to go to if we go north from where we live as opposed to going south to the dealer that has sold us 4 bikes over the years.
Member since 2006 and renew every year... enjoy the magazines and other information. Joined our local Hog Chapter but they meet on Friday nights and that's not good for us. During the spring and summer we leave on Fridays many weekends and ride for a overnight and if not that's date night. If they would meet on Mondays that would be better us for... do not like wasting a Friday for a Hog meeting...
My third year,an not my last,Hog activitys like the rallys and so on WELL worth the price of membership alone!!
Member since 2007 and renew every year, national and local, Enjoy activities with the local chapter even though I'm not completely fond of group riding.

The social aspect of motorcycle riding is why I bought the Harley in the first place and the local chapter is part of that. Once I started riding an HD fell in love with it and now can't imagine riding anything else!
Bought one when I bought my first HD, got a free one with my new ride. Nothing against it, but see no real benefit for me personally, so non renew for me. Not sayin you shouldn't, Just no reason for me. Ride safe.

I KINDA felt the same way..... BUT there have been benefits I thought I would never need with my membership to HOG...
I broke down in az. a long while back (couple of harleys ago) ,,, finding out I didn't have enough coverage to TOW my bike to the HD shop @80+ miles away...I paid out of pocket then turned the bill over to HOG... short time later 100$ appeared in the mail....( that was enough to cover the tow in full)

I recently had a break down in oregon that cost me a 190$ tow bill..... I had GOOD coverage with PROGRESSIVE, learning my lesson from the past... BUT I had JUST changed to STATE FARM before this trip...
NOT checking on towing JUST assuming it would be there because i had it on my old policy with PROGRESSIVE with the HIGHER LIMITS..... TOO LATE I found out STATE FARM DOESN'T cover towing for motorcycles...(my autos yes)

remembering HOG benefits :
HOG member services to the rescue... ***they did reimbursed me 100$ of the bill. took about 2 weeks after i called it in and I had the check...

*** THE way HOG wants it done today is NOT AFTER THE FACT.... SO call them FIRST(? number) then you will have coverage up to 100$..
They "out of courtesy" covered me as I didn't call it in until AFTER THE FACT... a month later...

Member since 2001, I also had a claim for a tow "AFTER THE FACT". And Bubbie is right,
they prefer you to call first. But they paid me the $100 with no questions.

Also belong to a local chapter, enjoy a lot of the events.