I don't suppose your wife knits? Ok, this is going to sound a bit strange but until you know where the buffeting is coming from you are chasing expensive demons.
Get some yarn and blue painters tape and cut the yarn into 6" strips, maybe a dozen of them. Tape several along the top and side of your windshield and then tape 3-4 of them along side your tank, front to back and a few on top of the tank. Then go for a ride and if you have a friend with a bike have them come along to observe. Watch where the air flow goes. If the yarn along the top of the windshield is pointed at your head, ta-da, look at the tank, where is the air going under the shield? You can even hold a strip and move it around to see where the buffeting is coming from and going.
Like I said, sounds silly but the aerodynamic guys use something very similar to observe airflow and it is a whole lot cheaper the lowers and chasing different shield sizes.