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Holy smoke

Sorry I couldn't log in earlier as I am at work.

It made sense to me too, not to use oil mixed with gas, as it would harm the O2 sensors....but my bike doesn't have the O2 sensors. It is a 2002 model but I don't think they had O2 sensors on Heritages at that time...I may be wrong but my bike doesn't have O2 sensors.

Regarding this being a loose or frying up electrical. I suspected it would be that first time but I checked all electrical connections, wiring etc. but everything looks good. I tried to see where the smoke is exactly coming from but by the time I get to do that it is too late, as it happens randomly.

From now on I will swtich the ign. on while the bike is on stand and I will keep an eye on the suspected area and see if I can pin point the location