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Hot in Florida

News Flash!!!!

Current Central Florida conditions, as of this post..

Temperature - 82, Bright and Sunny!

We have to put up with oven hot temps and humidity in the summer. We have hurricanes... We also choose to live here...

Just like those of you "up North" that choose to live there..

I'm kinda tired a hearing folks complain about the snow, wind and cold weather. :s
News Flash!!!!
Current Central Florida conditions, as of this post..
Temperature - 82, Bright and Sunny!
We have to put up with oven hot temps and humidity in the summer. We have hurricanes... We also choose to live here...
Just like those of you "up North" that choose to live there..
I'm kinda tired a hearing folks complain about the snow, wind and cold weather. :s

I am somewhat jealous of the folks who get to ride all the time.
Though, I feel the bantering back and forth is done in fun. I'll continue to complain about cold and I'll continue to complain about someone in Florida (actually where I grew up) being able to ride.
Come summer when I'm somewhere with 75-80* days, I'll rub it in on the Florida (or whoever) guys with 100* and 90% humidity. And I hope everyone concerned will realize I'm not being mean, just returning the favors from the past.
That said, SledDog, you or someone else down there can take a nice ride and jibe me about it. Take a ride for me. I really don't mind.
I am somewhat jealous of the folks who get to ride all the time.
Though, I feel the bantering back and forth is done in fun. I'll continue to complain about cold and I'll continue to complain about someone in Florida (actually where I grew up) being able to ride.
Come summer when I'm somewhere with 75-80* days, I'll rub it in on the Florida (or whoever) guys with 100* and 90% humidity. And I hope everyone concerned will realize I'm not being mean, just returning the favors from the past.
That said, SledDog, you or someone else down there can take a nice ride and jibe me about it. Take a ride for me. I really don't mind.

Absolutely! Every time I'm riding, well, not every time, I think about those of you stuck in the cold and snow.. And everytime I do, I say to myself, "Man, I'm glad I don't live up north"...

And I'm sure when the those up north see the news about hurricanes headed towards Florida, you say, "Man, I'm glad I don't live in Florida!"

So, it evens out and it's all good. No manner where you live!
So, it evens out and it's all good. No manner where you live!

Yep, I agree. All good WHEN we can ride.
Now, as to that snow and ice outside, man, I am so upset at those guys down south rubbing it in.:D
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I am somewhat jealous of the folks who get to ride all the time.
Though, I feel the bantering back and forth is done in fun. I'll continue to complain about cold and I'll continue to complain about someone in Florida (actually where I grew up) being able to ride.
Come summer when I'm somewhere with 75-80* days, I'll rub it in on the Florida (or whoever) guys with 100* and 90% humidity. And I hope everyone concerned will realize I'm not being mean, just returning the favors from the past.
That said, SledDog, you or someone else down there can take a nice ride and jibe me about it. Take a ride for me. I really don't mind.

I agree totally. I guess we can put up with the cold for a while. Yea, and when it's 100 and 90% humidity in Flordia, us bikers up north will be enjoying the 70's and a nice summer breeze.
Ok I'll throw a little wood on the fire here. First let me say I live up north. So we are pretty much snow bound. Or it's winter here anyway. So I'm busy planning a nice early spring trip to Califorina. Yep that's right I'm retired, done, finished with working. Except when I want to work I will. I have almost all on my Gerbing's stuff bought. And plan on heading out the last week of March and not planning on being back in Ohio untill early June. Ah I feel better now.

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As I a snow-bound Canadian, I would have to say I really enjoy hearing about people down south being able to go out for a ride.

Call it living vicariously or whatever but when I read these stories, I smile and think about my own motorcycle sitting patiently out in the garage waiting for the first sign of spring.

Its New Years eve which means two more months and I will be back in the wind. For those of you who are still in the wind, good for you and please continue to remind the rest of us that its sunny and warm somewhere!
Today we start our annual New Years ride... We have a group of 10 that rides from Central Florida to Macro Island for a party. Then on New Years Day, from there to Gainesville for lunch, then home.

We're leaving in about an hour... Weather today is sunny and 70. Same forecasted for tomorrow... We do this ride rain or shine, hot or cold....

I hope everyone has a Happy and Safe New Year!
Ahh 80 degrees, I remember that and look forward to it. Have a great time in the sun and enjoy the book. It is a balmy 22 here in Ohio with 4 inches of snow on the ground. Think I will keep it in the garage today.
Since there appears to be some Floridans in this post, I'm heading down your way on Friday..from Canada. I'm going to Orlando, and mayeb Daytona and Tampa.
Is there a good shop that sells exhausts, i.e. Jackpot, V&H, or Rinehart? I'm looking for a pair of slip-ons for an 07 RG.
