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How Cold can I go

winter weather, rust, its the UK they go hand in hand :bigsmiley18:get some S100 corrosion inhibitor, or Scott oiler FS365
welcome to the forum from Brum, 2-3C as long as there is no snow i ride down to -6c and lower with the correct layer you are correct along with my goretex im fine
Thanks for the tip Hobbit. Would hate to see some rust on all that lovely chrome! Might see you on the road sometime!
you will hear me before you see me :D
we usually go to gloucester docks a couple of times a year :D
Please let me have a heads up on the Glos Docks trip Hobbit. Would be great to ride over and meet you all. Can you reach me through the H-D community or will I give you an email address?:)
Don't know how cold you can go where you're at, but come to Ohio and you'll have the tender and cover on it tomorrow.
Ah now Ken S. You boys in continental USA have serious winters. I'm freezing when it's getting down toward 0 degrees C! Kidding aside there's no comparison between a martime climate winter like we get in England and a continental one like yours. I'm amazed you have your bike in action this time of year and I take my hat, sorry my helmet, off to you!
Was 24* (windchill 18ish) when I left work today. Will be going in tomorrow at 0630hrs. Expected temps around 10*. Dress right & ride. My motto/battlecry is "if it ain't raining when I leave in the morning, I'm riding". Tracy
Ok guys, I live in Middle Tn mild winters but hey I'm spoiled. I am going to see how far into winter I can ride. There are 2 other riders here at work so its a survival of the fittest.......or dumbest. I made it to November 2nd last year and I am going to try for December. I ride 17 miles each way mostly country roads. I have the 07 Ultra my competitors are a yamaha 650 Vstar and a Kawasaki ninja 600.

So far I have a fleece ski mask ( fullface ) leather gloves ( might want to get some deer skin ones ), good leather jacket, warm boots. Its still in the 80's here today but later in the week will be highs in the 60's lows in the 40's. If there are any notherners or canadians out there I would love to hear some " stay warm suggestions"

Stevec314 I live in Milwaukee and normally ride until Thanksgiving. If there isn't ice or snow on the road I'm good to go. You can dress for the cold! DON'T CHANCE IT if your going to get anything frozen on the road.
I have to admit I park the motorcycle once the temperature drops below 40 degrees.

I'm not as tough as I once was.... (Toby Keith)

Actually on the west coast of Canada, our winter is usually pretty mild but this year brought record snow so we can't make fun of our friends in Ontario quite as much as usual.

My best defence against the chill is an electric vest. I guarantee that once you have tried one, you will be amazed at how you managed without.

I like them so much that I even bought one for my wife for Christmas this year. Of course my reasons were purely selfish as now I can hopefully have mine back. Even this past summer on the Oregon coast, the vest came in really handy (for my wife that is, I froze.....)

I find that as long as I can stay dry, I can put up with the cold but if I get wet (which happens quite frequently in the Pacific Northwest) then the fun is over.