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How many miles have you traveled in one day?

Don't know about the longest,but the hardest I've done was about 250 miles on a Triumph T110 Hardtail chop.The roads were very twisty and bumpy.By the time I got home I had a butt like a baboon.Ah happy days.
1360 in 21 hours, first attempt at an Iron Butt, second attempt was 1220 in 18 hours then went for the bun burner gold (1500 in 24 hours)and rode 1632 in 23 1/2 hours. have also rode the 3000 mi in less than 3 days for the SS 3000 but didnt send in the paper work :(. Other times you gotta stop and see somthing :D
1023 miles from Guelph, Ontario to Sackville, New Brunswick. Over 18 hrs. Always wanted to do a long haul on a bike. The old Shovel would never have made it. Rained all the way through Montreal and for a while after that. Had the rain gear on before the rain started. Worst part of the ride was the construction at night on the last 1.5 hrs. No real point in doing a marathon ride. Just wanted the experience. What is the definition of an iron butt? :D