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How many miles over 1,000 before service?

There's a lot of satisfaction when doing your own services on the bikes. Not only do you learn how things work but you also know it was done and done properly.
yep doing your own and learning about it is how it should be done .. i think people are losing a lot of their ability to think for themselfs to work though a problem and repair anything ... I see it everyday as a repair tech and when they do try .. ohh boy ..
All of this about doing it yourself is all well and good but, as Clint Eastwood says, "A man has got to know his limitations!" I want to do as much of the work myself as possible but I don't want to mess up my bike and end up paying more to get the mess undone and I also don't want to invest tons of money into specialized tools. I'm currently just assessing each task as it comes up and deciding if I want to tackle it myself.
HD of OKC couldn't get my bike in at 1000 miles so it went in a bit over. The only fluids they had available went in all three holes so I'll change mine this month and put in the stuff I want.
, as Clint Eastwood says, "A man has got to know his limitations!" I want to do as much of the work myself as possible but I don't want to mess up my bike and end up paying more to get the mess undone and I also don't want to invest tons of money into specialized tools. I'm currently just assessing each task as it comes up and deciding if I want to tackle it myself.

I agree with that to if your not comfortable doing it dont..
Stay pretty close to the recommended miles. I called to make an appointment for my 5,000 mile tune up at about 4,500 miles, but dealer couldn't get to me for three weeks. By that time I had 5,700 miles.