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How much is too much? Air loss

I had a leak , it turned out to be the seal in the shock. It leaked oil real bad and wouldn't hold air. I replace the faulty shock and no more problems.
Did you try testing for a leak at the BACK of the schrader valve where the hose hooks up to?

No, just under the cap. Good idear though!

I packed the pump for the trip, just in case. I'll check it when I get up north.
(see other post)
it will also depend on what you use to check the pressure, and what temp the bike is, if its been ridden that day or not,

the shocks only carry a very small amount of air, the guage you use will take a bit of air each time so if you check it alot it will drop down.

i have had the HD pump on bikes for the whole day and the pressure increased 2 psi. as the day warmed up.
if you check it hot VS cold the pressure will be different.
if you check it before and after riding the pressure will be different when the shocks heat up.
you have to use a no loss fitting on the pump so it wont let any air out when you disconnect it.
i would say they arent really leaking its just variation in measuring from heat and the small amount of air each time you check it.
Like Glider said above, cut the last 1/4" inch or so off the little plastic air tubes and reinsert. Then make sure the Schrader valve is snug, or better yet, replace it. Then trace the air lines to make sure you have not pinched or folded the air lines leaving an almost imperceivable crease in the line. The stuff is very cheap. Worth restringing it. You can get that stuff at any place that carries pneumatics.

Do you know how to release the hose from the connectors. Just push the collar in and ull the hose back. Maybe use a little soapy water to install the hose. All that you have to do is push the hose square into the connect and give a little pull back to make sure that it is locked in.