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How the heck do you protect yourself from this?

you keeping count :D, latest trick over here is no siganls to turn then just wanging on the brakes and turning :bigsmiley5:

Seeing something very similar around here. People pulling out of parking spaces along the side of the road without signaling. Heaven forbid you should pull the cell phone away from your ear so you can hit the turn signal lever. Of course, they're not looking in their mirrors either so they don't know you're there.

I'm not Luddite. But, sometimes I wish the cell phone had never been invented. I know that I can't drive properly while talking on the phone.
I wish we would stop calling acts like this an accident, they aren't accidents, these are collisions caused by driver indifference. People who kill or maim others with their careless actions should go to jail.
I wish we would stop calling acts like this an accident, they aren't accidents, these are collisions caused by driver indifference. People who kill or maim others with their careless actions should go to jail.

They should also loose their driving license for keeps and be kept from doing any more harm.
The woman should face Manslaughter charges and spend several years in jail.

This happened about 5 miles from my house. They plastered it all over the news that evening (which is a very good thing in my opinion) as to remind people to pay attention to what you're doing. BUT, no charges except the "failure to stop to avoid a collision" charge.

My dear friends, everyday we are reminded about how complacent people can be. While you're out on the road (on 2 wheels or 4) keep your attention on driving. Stay alert and be careful!!!!!