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How to fix a hole in the oil pan to get you home and some feel good stuff...

Outstanding post! I spent 27 years in the military and did what we call BDAR Battle Damage Assessment and Repair. This is a classic example. Wow 73 and still riding and enjoying this great country, I hope to be so lucky.
Ditto Chief, and God bless the Iowa ironman. I'm soon to be 62 and hope I'm still riding when I get to 73.

I got a similiar suggestion from my old man years ago for a leaking fuel tank. Had some rust pin holes causing leak. he told me to wire brush it to clean surface and expose fresh metal. Some JB Weld and a couple sheet metal screws did the trick. lasted til I got rid of the car a long time later.

Oh by the way, Porter, you're too close to the rat race ( DC ) I lived up in the VA suburbs of DC for 40 years and it's just too me, me, me for me. Now that I'm way away from there I don't know how people do it anymore. Give me laid back NC or anywhere laid back til it's my time.
Billbo: Didn't stop in the "Mandolin Store". I stopped in a wester wear store to look around and a new sandwhich shop around the corner from the "Jail Tree". I liked the "Jail Tree" and the whole idea of it. I would lilke to apply it to 99% of all politicians.

Murf: I know about JBWeld. My uncle used it on just about everything!
I agree with you about the DC area and have been toying with the idea of getting out but at 37, bills to pay and still being lucky enough to have a job, I think I have to stay put for a while.

One thing about eating in that sandwich shop: It was crowded and there were no empty tables. My wife and I walked and an were looking around deciding to maybe go somewhere less crowded. A gentleman who appeared to be much more "local" than we were, have a stetson and a fine pair of boots, said there was plenty of room at his table if we wanted some company with lunch. Not even knowing us. I just just found it so different from my typical environment and from how I normally am, just living in that environment. I am sure wearing riding gear and coming in with my wife (opoosed to me being alone at 6'4"/230) made a little difference.

If I am ever out in AZ again, I am riding the "Sedona via Jerome" (route 89A) again. There were cinders on the road due to the previous snow 2 days before and I took it nice and easy. But having a clear road and being able to relax (a lilttle, your still above 7000 ft in some sections with some amazing drops off the shoulder) would let me take in the views a bit better.

Finally on the couple with the leaking oil pan: I can only describe him as an old farmer or rancher and I definitely mean this in the most postive light. He had a grip that really was like shaking an iron hand. (Like my uncle who worked in the coke ovens of Bethlehem Steel in Baltimore.) "Time" was simply wearing his body out, but it didn't appear that this was an easy task and I really got the feeling that he still had the soul of a 19 year old farm boy in his prime. He was 73. I am 37. If we had to split wood, he would have me beat 4:1. No doubt. Not as much stength as the wisdom and experience to have seeen just about every type of log there ever was and know exactly where to hit it with the splitting maul....every time.
Got me thinkin.I would repair small holes in chemical tanks w/ a brass inside viton rubber mach.screw plug. The other day looking for air cap i seen i still had one. I am going to put it in my what if bag on bike.
Good story. I guess your reference to MD is whether you are from the Northeast(reserved) or Mid-Atlantic(outgoing) Maryland. It's kinda of a melting pot with all the gov jobs and location.

Good story. I guess your reference to MD is whether you are from the Northeast(reserved) or Mid-Atlantic(outgoing) Maryland. It's kinda of a melting pot with all the gov jobs and location.


Kinda sorta. I get you point on the distinction. But to me there is a big difference in the people, in general. I have worked from Massachusettes to North Carolina and in my opinion, it is more of a high strung, rat race. I know there are exceptions and I am generalizing. The older I get the more I think I should move. Just have to get the guts to do it.