Warm up the pipes a bit and you will find that just about any polish will work. I tried easy off, worked quite well followed with semi-chrome after the pipes cooled.
I heated up the area with a gas torch and scraped most of the mess off with some soft wood then finished off with solvol autosol then it was all nice and clean again
A single edge razor blade works well for me. Its easy, takes hardly any effort and cheap. I have yet to scratch the chrome doing it. I can't say the same about steel wool.:newsmile08::small3d007:
A single edge razor blade works well for me. Its easy, takes hardly any effort and cheap. I have yet to scratch the chrome doing it. I can't say the same about steel wool.:newsmile08::small3d007:
I feel the same about steel wool even if it is 0000 . I like to dissolve it with thinners first before using anything abrasive. If you look at any section of chrome that steel wool has been used on it has the same appearance as paint that has been washed without wetting it enough. There's some spider webbing going on if you look close enough.
My favorites are Autosol or Neverdul, Having said that I just got an ad from the MoCO Boot Mark Remover Had to figure it would be only a matter of time, Under $10 bucks so I may give it a shot.
neverdul or hand cleaner without the sand in it works great , if it is bad you need to work it for awhile then come back to it , you will notice a difference everytime , and hey make the wife clean it too , then they will stop doing it (hehe) worked for mine!!