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How to Roast A Moderator

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I should have excluded you from answering that as you have inside information. In other words, we have talked or should I say, I have talked and you have listened. :lolrolling

Echo, echo, echo.......

I have been told I am a good listener, even by The Redhead I have her fooled, I will disqualify myself on this one:newsmile100: And I look forward to listening again some day
This is a fun thread and enjoying reading every post. But as to "Median" I give up. Any more clues???
The official Moderator Handbook .....


Each Moderator needs to know this Handbook from cover to cover to be an HDTimeline Moderator. I actually had a copy of this already and was extremely prepared for the job.


If this is a prerequresite, why to "Some" moderators have so much trouble spelling?:s
BTW, since I seem to having the most fun with this thread that Jack started, thought I would put my legal disclaimer in now...

My posts in this thread are a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. No Moderators were intentionally harmed in the posting of this Moderator's posts.


Let the games continue!!

There has got to be a dig in there somewhere, but I cannot come up with it. There has to be someone out there that can find the loophole.:newsmile011:
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