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How to Roast A Moderator

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Are you eligible for the septic tank inspections yet? :lolrolling

Joy did such a great job on the forum since she started as a moderator that she got her own parking space out back now. :lolrolling

Doc Doolittle invited all the mods over to his place for a BBQ, there was plenty of food to be had and it was cooked perfectly too.

We had Joy do some decorating down in the mods room and she did a real nice job! :D


She also upgraded all the moderators mouses (mouses is a word, RIGHT?) LOL :lolrolling


Joy did such a great job on the forum since she started as a moderator that she got her own parking space out back now. :lolrolling


For the record, I would rather have the bonus check in lieu of the parking spot. :D I have a Jeep, I can park anywhere. :D

No one has complained about the mouses yet either. :s
We have your payment waiting for you Joy being you earned it! :D

Just stop by and pick it up in the jeep.

Looks like I will need the trailer. Now I gotta run to get out of work before the tornado hits us & I get stuck. :D
Glider you are without a doubt the fastest on the trigger!!! Joy you are aptly named, as I have not seen anything yet you haven't handled (reminds me of my wife). With all the information on the internet I cannot think that at least something is out there we can use to roast the rest of the moderators. All of them can't be in the witness protection program.
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