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How to troubleshoot my oil temp gauge/ground problem

Make sure when doing the above that the clip is on the POS terminal, not ground.:D

You use a POS feed when testing for ground and a ground when testing for Battery with the test light.

Equally, make sure theres no fuel vapour about:D:D:D.
I am a bit confuse about were you have the sending unit mounted.
That looks like the adapter for an oil cooler and the radiator has been removed.
If thats the case it could be the problem. The only time I have even seen them mounted in the oil line the entire unit was there.
Other wise They were always in the oil pan ??
I have a PDF file thats shows what I mean if you want it

Smitty, you must have missed my whole, crazy thread about that stupid adapter being REQUIRED, according to HD, on '07 and later models. even without the oil cooler being installed. I think we can all agree now that the adapter is NOT required. My '08 still has the unused plug in the oil pan where the sender can be installed - if I had a time machine I'd go back and put it there to begin with.

Doc, did you remove the tape on the sending unit threads?

Just got home late last night and haven't done anything to it yet. Removing the tape is the first item on my list and I have high hopes this will solve the problem. Question - how much oil am I going to lose pulling that sending unit out of there to remove the tape? I'm not sure if that's a direct opening to the oil or if there's some type of membrane or other surface between the sender and the actual oil. I guess I could play it safe and do an oil change at the same time.
I guess I missed the thread also, So let me get this straight , There is a adapter that comes with this kit that mounts to the oil filter housing ?, I know the early kits were cut rite in to the oil line between the pan and pump, it used a brass T with a well on the Bull of the T , so you were able to take the probe out with no oil loss. I thought the kit still came this wey, but the guys here were just utilizing the other oilpan plug, to make the install easier then fighting with trying to put that T in a 2 inch space witch is a real (edit).
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Hey Dr., hope you are coming along with the project. I'm not sure if this will have your model number, (I'm not that familiar with Sperry, I usually use Fluke for work, but they look the same for the most part), that is if it is digital. But here is a link with the model numbers listed & the link to the manuals. Good luck!

Sperry Instruments - Accessories

For the record, I generally know just enough to be dangerous. :s