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Hows your weather?

Finally back to normal, able to ride with just a hoodie, rain and humid today
i am in Deadhorse....Guess how the weather is...:newsmile078::newsmile078::newsmile078::small3d009::small3d009::cry:cry
Cold and snow, then more snow. Just shoveled off the deck so I can BBQ some chicken thighs
All the ice finally melted and the tree guys got back to work, had 6 large trees taken out from around the house. Got a lot of work to do before spring. It's still cold, lows near freezing, we had a little sleet yesterday around noon, what's up with global warming anyway?
It's -4 this morn. and the snow is all crunchy when you walk on it:D
The good news is I got my rider clipps yesterday!!!:khee
Brian when you have to dig down to expose the ski lift you have way to much snow. Will there be problems when it melts?
This land has been formed by wild weather and usually the straths and glens should be able to carry the flow of water to the sea as when the thaw sets in the snow will melt slowly there are at time places where there is snow all summer long it never melts

Strath - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
