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Hurry up September

Hold your horses, not so fast. The other guys are right. Summer will be over soon enough...

Anyway, do have a great trip. I can't wait to do mine next summer. Man, I can't wait for next summer. hahahaha
You can't enjoy fall foliage in the summer. I used to hate fall as well, but since I started hunting and riding, I've come to realize that each season has it's good points........ Even winter............ Hope the trip goes beyond your expectations!

Winter has only one good point; it's followed by Spring
Got our routes all figured out for our trip from Fort Worth to Lexington KY to Kentland IN and back to Fort Worth. Just waiting for September to get here.

Hope you have a safe ride. BUT, I'm also in no hurry for summer to be over since it's barely started. Of course if it doesn't stop this lousy wet stuff it'll become another summer that never was.