free website stats program I Am CANADIAN | Page 16 | Harley Davidson Forums


Cold weather no problem for us, just another day. Summer is here an so is the short skirts. Seems to be more of you guy from the western area than us in o Ontario and east. No mater where you come from as long as you ride is the main thing. Be safe and have fun:cheers
Welcome to the best forum on the net. I live on the north end of the island (Port Hardy) I was down your way a couple of weeks ago, to the drag races in Port (they where awesome). Anyway these people on HDtalking are so helpful
with anything you need to know about your Harley, (I spend hours and hours in the self help section). The 06 Ultra is my first Harley...
Wow!!! January 21st, 2007 was first we are at end of September 2010 and post #171....not the most active forum. I posted a question 218 days ago and haven't had a reply yet.
Think I will head over to HDxxxxxx forum. Seems like that is where the action is.
Wow!!! January 21st, 2007 was first we are at end of September 2010 and post #171....not the most active forum. I posted a question 218 days ago and haven't had a reply yet.
Think I will head over to HDxxxxxx forum. Seems like that is where the action is.

Your question concerned shipping a bike overseas via Lufthansa - a very unique question so I'm not surprised you didn't get any responses. Perhaps if the question had been framed in more general terms it would have generated more replies.

This forum currently has 37,708 members and if I go more than a day or two without reading posts, I am 200 to 300 posts behind. If that's not enough "action" for you then don't let the door hit you in the rear on your way out!