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It is getting expensive for everything. I have complained about prices before. A few weeks ago I bought a new training harness for our dog. It is made right here in London On., cost me $40 with tax. On Monday we were in Port Huron Mi at Pet Smart, the same harness manufactured here in London was $19. Are we stupid Canadians for putting up with this kind of raping. We are getting nailed for everything.

my folks live on a limited buget in B.C. (Bring cash) and so they love it when they come to vist every couple years. one of reasons i left Canada was we would never get ahead the way the costs were.

Dinner for 4 down here with a couple whiskey is about 50$ at a nice resturant. fuel is still subsidized by the gov't so it is only 8cent a liter. imported items are the expensive ones like tools, cars and trucks hold their value down here for ever. in 2005 we sold our not running 81 Siverado for 8k US. it's just a samll island so i don't need a fancy truck or car. health care is one of 3 ways pay cash, make sure you have insurance that is accepted or go to a free clinic.

i plan on staying where i am...and we do have a rally every sepember:D
I gotta go see if I can make some small change so that I can afford to live another day here.

Not in your area but, I've ridden out your way. Wonderful roads and truly gods country.

Not from the Muskokas, but I've ridden through them. Nice country. Originally from Kitchener but live in Squamish BC and yes, BC really does mean bring cash, and lots of it. And it really ticks me when I see something made in Canada but sells for less in the States than we can get it here for. (like our Alberta gas).