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I challenge all 26,797 members

Re=check the Red Cross web site. If you do the international donation you can designate it to Haiti. We did
My sentiments exactly Smitty,I've read that 80% of most charity donations go in admin,Not to where its needed.Thats the reason I send boxes of dry food to them instead of cash.
I donated to Americare. From what I can find out, 98% of money donated actually gets used, only 2% is used for admin purposes. It is highly rated among the different sites that rate charities. I am not associated with them, but thought I'd pass this along.
As someone that did not just learn of Haiti this week I will warn you to think about were you donate too. There is only one group that has done any good there, and it is not the red cross or the UN. Between 50-70% of of money sent there goes in peoples pockets not to those that needed it. Give what you can but think about how you give it.

Are you going to tell us who it is or keep us guessing?
Steve07 - Great story and yes I will be donating very soon, and as others have said I really have a problem with scammers and organizations claiming to help, yet pay fractions of the money or services to those in need...especially UW and RC (I remember that they actually CHARGED for items...while doing relief while my brother in law was overseas back in the 70's, probably happens more now, but more under the radar!
Be careful who you donate to......sometimes as much as 90% of your donation goes to advertising and other associated costs. It's a good idea to call the association to find out just how much of your donation actually makes it to the people in need.

For 20 years, I donated to the Air Force Aid Society as they help Airmen in need (CONUS & Overseas)
We donated but then i read we (The United States ) ain't doing enough enough.. God what do we as a Nation have to do anymore to keep ppl from freakin blasting us.
We donated but then i read we (The United States ) ain't doing enough enough.. God what do we as a Nation have to do anymore to keep ppl from freakin blasting us.

We can never do enough dont matter what ya give people will hate us anyways funny they dont want us or like us till they need something ..
IMO, WE, the US of A, are the lifeguards of all "little people", like Haiti. We, the taxpayers of the US of A, should take care of the people that care for the "little people". Support your military because they handle all humanitarian missions.....all around the world. Our Military folks take care of these situations, always have, always will.
Best to stick w/RED CROSS & Ben Stiller's got a website too where they'll donate all contributions to this effort - GO ZOHAN!
The Canadian Red Cross uses 5-7% of donations for administration and operating costs. All the rest goes to the designated relief.