Each to his own. I guess but I wouldn't like to follow closely for fear of flying debris!
The interesting thing is that from what you can see of it underneath it all the bike looks clean and shiny.
Thats the same year and model bike I own...makes me sick to think of my scoot being punished like that. Take a classic Heritage Springer and throw up all over it. A Springer is a terrible thing to waste.
Each to his own. I guess but I wouldn't like to follow closely for fear of flying debris!
The interesting thing is that from what you can see of it underneath it all the bike looks clean and shiny.
It is like a squeaky clean version of the 'new and trendy' rat bike image, where they pile old crap all over the bike, junk, skulls, bits of furniture, whatever, rather than just have a bike that is old and road worn.
I seriously think the guy in question has mental issues though.
Maybe Ya'll should go a little easy on this guys bike .
The inside info is that this is the inspiration for the mods
on Hobbit's new 'Bob :bigsmiley14: